AC is a vital piece of your home comfort system, as the go-to Solution to summer heat. Summer not only brings a spike in energy costs but also puts more strain on your AC. This extra load increases the chance of problems and even full breakdowns. Fortunately, there are some tips you can follow to keep your air conditioning system operating at its best. Here are a few:
Maintaining a Consistent Temperature
The best way to maintain a consistent temperature in the summer is to set the thermostat to 78 degrees. This will help keep the temperature more consistent and help you reduce your utility costs. When you are not home, adjust the thermostat to 78 degrees to reduce your energy bill. Warm temperatures are unhealthy for people, pets, and soft surfaces, and they also increase humidity and cause moisture retention. This can be a dangerous combination.
Another way to maintain a consistent temperature during the summer is to use a programmable thermostat. This will allow you to adjust the temperature automatically according to your schedule and desired temperature. These devices also have the ability to automatically set back when you leave the house and recover thirty minutes before you arrive home. These devices can help you control the temperature in your home and save energy. Some of them even have apps that allow you to change the temperature remotely.
You can also install ceiling fans in the rooms you want to keep cool. Ceiling fans can increase the efficiency of your HVAC system by up to 40%. Then, set the ceiling fan’s speed counterclockwise to push air down. A counterclockwise fan will help push air downward, resulting in a cooling effect. This will allow you to set your thermostat higher. This will also reduce the cost of the monthly energy bill.
Keeping Your Air Conditioner in a Clean Condition
A good way to make sure that your air conditioning system is in peak condition this summer is to schedule an annual service appointment. Whether the problem is a minor one or a more serious one, getting an annual service will ensure that your air conditioning unit is running at its best throughout the summer. Not only will this help keep you cool but will also prevent you from spending a lot of money on unnecessary repairs.
If you can, make sure that the windows and doors of your home are well-insulated. Installing window shades and blackout blinds will keep the sun out and keep the interior of your home cooler. This will prevent the interior of your home from becoming overly warm and will allow your AC to run more efficiently. Also, replace any light bulbs with cool-colored bulbs. You can even replace light bulbs with energy-efficient ones.
You should also regularly clean your air conditioner, especially the exterior unit. Dirty filters make your air conditioner work harder and may cause loud noises. Clean them yourself or call a professional service company such as Service Emperor to do it for you. Replace filters every year if possible. You should also close rooms so that cool air does not leak out to the outside. If you have pets or small children, remove any debris around the air conditioner to avoid problems with the cooling system.
Proper maintenance will extend the life of your air conditioning system. In addition to routine maintenance, regular cleaning and inspections can also extend its service life. The cost of repairing your air conditioner can run into hundreds of dollars. A professional air conditioner tune-up will prevent premature retirement, preventing expensive repairs in the middle of the summer. For this, you should schedule a tune-up appointment at the beginning of spring.
The thermostat cannot reach the desired temperature and your home becomes uncomfortable due to high temperatures. When you leave these issues unattended, you could lose energy and money. To avoid these problems, make sure you follow these tips to keep your air conditioning system in top condition for a great summer. You will be happy you did. And remember, if you do not take care of your air conditioner, it can be costly.
Keeping Your Home Cool While You’re Away
One way to save on your cooling bill while you’re away is to set your thermostat to a slightly higher temperature while you’re gone. This will keep the temperature lower during the day, and the thermostat will automatically turn on and off as needed. You can also close the curtains to keep the house cooler. This will reduce strain on your air conditioning unit and prevent the afternoon sun from making your home feel too hot.
Whether or not you should turn your cooling system off while you away depend on the energy efficiency of your home. Homes with adequate insulation will resist the buildup of heat better. If your windows are inefficient, consider installing solar window films or thermal drapes. Air circulation is also important to keep the house cool, as it allows the cooling system to do its job more efficiently. In addition, moisture will hold heat and make your cooling system work harder.
Depending on the length of your vacation, you may want to turn on the air conditioning. You can use a programmable thermostat to turn the air conditioning on a certain day before you return. Another important factor to consider is whether you’re leaving pets at home. If they’re indoors during the day, you should keep the thermostat set to a higher temperature. Turning the air conditioner off when you’re away is wasteful and unnecessary, and it can strain your central A/C. Leaving the air conditioning on will help you save on energy costs while keeping your home cool. Additionally, it will keep the humidity level under control.
Another way to save money is to dehumidify your indoor air supply while you’re away. The air conditioner will reduce the chance of mold and mildew development while you’re gone. Another benefit of dehumidification is that it reduces your energy bills. This way, you can spend more money on other necessities. In addition, you’ll be able to save money on your energy bills while you’re away.
Saving Money
If you live in a place that experiences very high temperatures, you can easily save money on your AC bill by making a few changes to your routine. A well-maintained AC will save you between 5 and 15% on energy use and will also prevent expensive repairs. In addition to regular maintenance, you can also look for discounts, budget billing, or other ways to save money on your AC. By following these tips, you can enjoy a great summer without spending a fortune on AC.
To begin saving money on your cooling bill, turn up the thermostat by two or three degrees while you are out of the house. This will prevent the interior temperature from rising too much and will help reduce the amount of energy required to cool your home when you return. By keeping your home cool during your absence, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you spend on cooling your home. If you want to make even more savings on your cooling bill, consider making changes to your thermostat settings.
Summer is a great time to host a cookout. Cooking outdoors will save you money on your electricity bills, as the summer air will dry your clothes. Furthermore, it will help you save money on the costs of cooking and cleaning appliances inside the house. You can also try gardening, and trade with your neighbors for produce and other goods. Free recreational facilities like parks are a good way to stay fit during the summer months.
When it comes to cooking indoors, try to limit your indoor cooking. Cooking in a hot oven or on a stove generates a large amount of heat, which will put more strain on your AC. If you can’t avoid cooking indoors, try to use appliances that produce less heat, such as a microwave. You can also turn on the exhaust in your kitchen while cooking and afterward to let the hot air out.